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Central Ideas
The effects of overwhelming experiences
When we humans are very young, our fragile minds are sometimes overwhelmed by experiences they can’t yet handle...
The effects of emotional hurt
Human minds seem to be vulnerable to being hurt emotionally, but also equipped with emotional healing processes...
A framework for understanding exploitative societies
Human beings are capable of high levels of cooperation, love and caring. However, for thousands of years most of us have been living in societies that systematically suppress these human qualities. These inhuman social systems now function to sustain themselves, the systems, not the people within them...
Other Articles
Rigidly defending our minds
Why do so many of us find it hard to face that, sometimes, what we hold to be true may be wrong?
Why is it so hard for us to change our minds, or to consider new ways of thinking that might be beneficial to us?
Sexism: How men can be allies to women
The title of my talk is Sexism: How men can be allies to women, but this is also about human relationships in general, and how to improve them...

The effects of overwhelming experiences
When we humans are very young, our fragile minds are sometimes overwhelmed by experiences they can’t yet handle...

The effects of emotional hurt
Human minds seem to be vulnerable to being hurt emotionally, but also equipped with emotional healing processes...

A framework for understanding exploitative societies
Human beings are capable of high levels of cooperation, love and caring. However, for thousands of years most of us have been living in societies that systematically suppress these human qualities. These inhuman social systems now function to sustain themselves, the systems, not the people within them...

Rigidly defending our minds
Why do so many of us find it hard to face that, sometimes, what we hold to be true may be wrong? Why is it so hard for us to change our minds, or to consider new ways of thinking that might be beneficial to us?

Sexism: How men can be allies to women
The title of my talk is Sexism: How men can be allies to women, but this is also about human relationships in general, and how to improve them...